We are the end-to-end regulatory solutions provider for companies related to Waste management, EPR, BIS Registration, Import Export License from DGFT, Battery Import Registration etc.

Waste or an Opportunity

Opportunities of E-Waste Management in India
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change rolled out the EWaste (Management) Rules in 2016 to reduce e-waste production and
increase recycling. Under these rules, the government introduced EPR
which makes producers liable to collect 30 per cent to 70 per cent (over
seven years) of the e-waste they produce, said the study.
The integration of the informal sector into a transparent recycling system
is crucial for a better control on environmental and human health impacts.
There have been some attempts towards integrating the existing informal
sector in the emerging scenario. Organizations such as GIZ have developed
alternative business models in guiding the informal sector association
towards authorization. These business models promote a city-wide
collection system feeding the manual dismantling facility and a strategy
towards best available technology facilities to yield higher revenue from
printed circuit boards. By replacing the traditional wet chemical leaching
process for the recovery of gold with the export to integrated smelters and
refineries, safer practices and a higher revenue per unit of e-waste
collected are generated